(6) TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE & HERBS. Tui Na Massage. Aromatheraphy. | Tradycyjna Chińska Medycyna. Masaż Tui Na.

Traditional Chinese Medicine. Once I touched this approach to human health, I felt “I feel it so much”, “I need it so much”, “it is so fascinating and deep as a well…”.

Still I touch. I learn. I try to use it in the daily life.

I am not a doctor, I do not try to be more than I am.  I do not have enough practice and time (which I spend on practicing movement and art). I  broaden my knowledge to feel truly connected to my body, to its needs and healthy potential. To be therefore better connected with other people and the nature.

I lern to incorporate my TCM knowledge in the other areas of my work and passions. I use TCM principles in my work with “7 animals method”. Chinese knowledge is the root and the core of my project. “7 emotions”, and how do they connect with visible and unvisible movements in our body. How we can use it in theraphy. How breath flows when is free, how when it gets blocked. Which exercises, which ways of massage, which simple herbs may help. How to understand the periods, cycles, changes – in our body, feelings, emotions, moments in life, days in a year, minutes of the day…

drzewo-paula holska

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